Meet your Nutritionist

Tori Lawlor, MS, LDN, CNS

I have worked in the wellness industry in various capacities for over 17 years.  This came about for two reasons. When I was a kid, my mother read Adelle Davis’s book, Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit, and rehabbed our pantry. She threw out all foods with added sugar or were processed - including those that I might have been able to trade at school. In came the wheat germ, whole wheat bread, peanut butter - that only contained peanuts - and cod liver oil. Ugh!! Despite how much I did not enjoy this experience, the seeds were planted.

When I began my acting pursuit, I needed a part time job to support my habit. I took one doing demos/trainings for multiple supplement companies – Oona Health, Nordic Naturals, CV Sciences, Vibrant Health, and others. - in health food stores. In order to sell a product I wanted to know exactly how it worked and why it was valuable. This sparked a curiosity in me of how the body works on a biochemical level. Also, I heard peoples sad/frustrating stories of how unhealthy they were and how they weren’t getting guidance or support that truly healed them. For years, I listened to people talk about how they would go to their doctor with complaints and be told that there was nothing wrong or be offered a prescription. I heard stories from moms who didn’t want to medicate their children for behavior or focusing issues at school but didn’t know what else to do.  I wanted to help these people. I wanted to address root causes and provide guidance and support for true prevention and healing. So, I went back to school.

I am the founder and Co-Community Organizer of the New Haven County SW Chapter of Holistic Moms Network, which has been thriving for 10 years.  I have taught children’s Improv classes for over 9 years, while raising two amazing daughters with my husband, Tom.   Before children, and acting, I worked in politics and journalism. 

I truly believe that wellness is a journey, everyone's is different and we can all use guidance and support along the way.